U.S. Preparing Plan to Offer Vaccine Boosters, Perhaps By Fall

Says it will just be a 3rd shot of the vaccine we already have, not  modified for the Delta or other variants. Just more of the same.

And just two days ago, I wrote: Oh: US government has already ordered 400 million additional “Booster” shots for vaccines | Coldstreams Business and Tech

Will we not be considered “Fully vaccinated” unless we get the 3rd (or 4th or 5th or 6th….) shot? Will our vaccine card “passport” be rendered moot until we get the next shot?

Update: Government has now approved “booster” shots for immunocompromised, is planning “booster” shots for elderly and all health care workers. Decision may come within weeks. Israel defined elderly as age 60+.

Update: Three days later, AP reports that everyone will be asked to get a booster shot 8 months after their dose #2 (no word on JnJ vaccines).
