Idiotic virtue signaling to the max:

Bruce Springsteen, Jon Bon Jovi and Jon Stewart have a pandemic-year message for fellow New Jerseyans: “Wear a friggin’ mask!” The famous trio — faces covered — appear on a New Jersey Turnpike billboard as part of the state’s #MaskUpNJ campaign, according to a tweet from New Jersey First Lady Tammy Murphy. “Teamed up with

Source: Bruce Springsteen, Jon Bon Jovi and Jon Stewart to fellow New Jerseyans: ‘Wear a friggin’ mask!’ – KTVZ

According to COVIDcast, 97% of New Jersey residents are already wearing a mask. This is nothing more than virtue signaling devoid of reality. Idiots. There’s no one left to “Wear a friggin mask!”

It also contributes to the false belief that cases are rising because – must be so! – people are not covering their faces. As long as we pursue this false problem, we will not identify the real cause and address that.

Just read that Biden will mandate (another report says “recommend”) face masks nationwide for 100 days, saying that if we do this, we will bring this to an end. The nation already has 90% compliance (and many states and regions now have up to 97% compliance rates).

In my state we have been wearing mask for more than 120 days. And yet cases have grown steadily, broke new daily case totals a week ago, new daily death totals today. We have a 95% compliance rate. Why are face masks not working?

Doing more of the same isn’t going to fix the problem.

Why are the elite fixated on this “if we only wore face masks” meme?

This has become nonsensical.

Update: They even wore face masks in their house and yet, everyone in the family got Covid-19. And one of this is a health care professional.
